She pioneered the theory that during those years children progress through sensitive periods. During these periods, or stages,children have an acute ability to develop specific concepts and skills. Materials in a Montessori classroom are specifically designed to facilitate such sequential learning through concrete, individualized experiences.
Montessori teachers are specifically trained to conduct ongoing observations of each child. Such observation enables teachers to support each child's specific development based on his or her interests, strengths, needs, and learning styles. In so doing, teachers act as guides, and children become active agents of their own learning. Children develop interests and sensibilities and gain knowledge through independent work choices. |
Our program emphasizes learning through the use of concrete educational materials developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. The primary goal of our “Home” is the development of the whole child, by assisting them in becoming independent, competent, and confident, with respect for the developing person in each child. The Montessori environment is divided into these main groups: